Japanese Reference Grammar

Lessons | Dictionary | Particles


Binding Theory

she said that her cat wanted to eat fish
"I thought it would be more natural to use “自分の猫” when translated into Japanese, but “彼女の猫” is also fine."

Embedded Clauses

私は「猫が魚を食べること」を知っている "I know that cats eat fish" idk what こと is for

ひらりは「「コロネが魚を食べた」とポプが言った」と思った "hirari thought that (popu said that (korone ate fish))"

彼は ... と言う

Noun Conjugations

Case Clitics


Sentence Ending Particles

か, ね, よ

Verb Conjugations

There are different types of verbs, like ichidan verbs, godan verbs, and suru verbs, which are conjugated differently.

A verb's surface form changes during conjugation (due to phonetic rules? history?).

I will only note the most common irregularities (you can learn the rest yourself).


Multipurpose/used in multiple conjugations, sometimes called the "linking" verb form.

花子がタップしてゲームを始める = "Hanako tapped to start the game"
タップしてゲームを始める = "(you) tap to start the game" (NOT imperative, more like an instruction)

助ける (to help) can be converted to 助けて① for performing other actions after helping and 助けて② for commanding someone to ask for help.

Only 助けて② can be made polite by adding -ください.

して in sentence タップしてゲームを始める is a pattern for 助けて①, so it cannot be a polite expression.

Present Indicative

Ichidan Godan Suru
- 食べる 聞く
polite 食べます
negative 食べない 聞かない
polite negative 食べません


[te-form] aka 覚える -> 覚えて、思う -> 思って

助けて = "help!"
タップしてゲームを始めて = "tap to start the game"

[te-form] + ください (can ONLY be at the end...)

覚えてください = "please memorize it"
タップしてゲームを始めてください = "tap to start the game"

Past Indicative

食べる -> 食べた, 思う -> 思った, だった、でした、分かる->わかった、勉強する -> 勉強した

(polite) 食べる -> 食べました

(negative) 食べなかった

(negative polite) 食べませんでした

Progressive Indicative

[te-form]+いる = describes a present ongoing situation that started in the past

知っている = "I know"

Future Tense


食べ物を買ってくる = "I am going to buy food"
寝てくる = "I am going to sleep (later)"



Fundamental Vocabulary

だ・です = copula
ある = ~to exist
する = ~to do
なる = ~to become