- cannot enforce how the language is pronounced for any speaker; the spelling accomodates the language, not the other way around
- changes should be subtle; only change words to reinforce existing patterns (respell one-time exceptions, merge spellings that represent the same phonemes in most dialects, etc)
something with sour vs. power, pour ~ poor ~ pore ~ poar
Respell "st" /s/ to "ss", reserve "st" for /st/
ss /s/: miss, lesson
st /st/: mist
listen => lissen
fasten => fassen
Reinforce o /ɑ/, oa /oʊ/ paradigm
o /ɑ/: roster, moss, got, cost, lost, soccer, sock, rock, mock
oa /oʊ/: roast, toast, boast, coast, moat, gloat, goat, soar
what about ball, fall, mall?
ghost => goast
most => moast